佛光大学 产品与媒体设计学系、研究所



年度 论文名称
2008 申开玄, Brand Cognition and Emotional Web Page Design. International Symposium for Emotion and Sensibility, International Symposium for Emotion and Sensibility, Jun. 28, 2008, Seoul
2008 张志昇, 高龄者起立、坐下分析与可倾式座椅功能需求之研究。, 中华民国设计学会第13届设计学术研究成果研讨会, May. 01, 2008, 台湾
2008 张志昇, 高龄者对手杖功能性需求之探讨, 中华民国设计学会第 13 届设计学术研究成果研讨会, May. 01, 2008, 台湾
2008 申开玄, 多媒体辅助产品设计之研 究, 应用艺术与认知设 计研讨会, Jan. 17, 2008, 嘉义
2007 张志昇、Leung, Cherng-Yee, A Study of Icons recognition for the Auto Bidet Seat, International Association of Societies of Design Research, Nov. 01, 2007, Hong Kong
2007 张志昇、Leung, Cherng-Yee, A Study on the Effect of Posture Transfer Strategies Adopted by Elders during Sit-to-Stand and Stand-to Sit., International Conference on Kansei Engineeringand Emotion Research, Oct. 01, 2007, JAPAN
2007 张志昇, 免治马桶座之图像使用辨识性之研究, 设计与文化学术研讨会, Feb. 01, 2007, 台湾
2006 张志昇, A Study on the Relationship between Seat and Posture Transfer and Risk Factors for the Elders during Sit-to-Stand and Stand-to-Sit., the 36th International conference on on Computers and Industrial Engineering, Jun. 01, 2006, ROC
1900 张志昇, The Application of Universal Design on the Symbol System of Bikeways, Proc. of The 5th International Conference for Universal Design, Jan. 01-Dec. 31, 1900, 日本