2008 |
申开玄, Brand Cognition and Emotional Web Page Design. International Symposium for Emotion and Sensibility, International Symposium for Emotion and Sensibility, Jun. 28, 2008, Seoul |
2008 |
张志昇, 高龄者起立、坐下分析与可倾式座椅功能需求之研究。, 中华民国设计学会第13届设计学术研究成果研讨会, May. 01, 2008, 台湾 |
2008 |
张志昇, 高龄者对手杖功能性需求之探讨, 中华民国设计学会第 13 届设计学术研究成果研讨会, May. 01, 2008, 台湾 |
2008 |
申开玄, 多媒体辅助产品设计之研 究, 应用艺术与认知设 计研讨会, Jan. 17, 2008, 嘉义 |
2007 |
张志昇、Leung, Cherng-Yee, A Study of Icons recognition for the Auto Bidet Seat, International Association of Societies of Design Research, Nov. 01, 2007, Hong Kong |
2007 |
张志昇、Leung, Cherng-Yee, A Study on the Effect of Posture Transfer Strategies Adopted by Elders during Sit-to-Stand and Stand-to Sit., International Conference on Kansei Engineeringand Emotion Research, Oct. 01, 2007, JAPAN |
2007 |
张志昇, 免治马桶座之图像使用辨识性之研究, 设计与文化学术研讨会, Feb. 01, 2007, 台湾 |
2006 |
张志昇, A Study on the Relationship between Seat and Posture Transfer and Risk Factors for the Elders during Sit-to-Stand and Stand-to-Sit., the 36th International conference on on Computers and Industrial Engineering, Jun. 01, 2006, ROC |
1900 |
张志昇, The Application of Universal Design on the Symbol System of Bikeways, Proc. of The 5th International Conference for Universal Design, Jan. 01-Dec. 31, 1900, 日本 |