2010 |
羅逸玲、Chang-Franw Lee, A Study of Text and Icon on Drug Bag Design, the APIEMS 2010 Conference, Jul. 29-31, 2010, Melaka |
2010 |
廖志傑, Mechanical performance of artificial pneumatic muscles to power the rehabilitation robotic system, 第十七屆人因工程學會年會暨學術研討會, Mar. 26-27, 2010, 中華民國 |
2009 |
-, 廖志傑, T-S Fuzzy Controller Applied to Lower Limb Rehabilitation Robot Actuated by Pneumatic Muscle Actuators, International Automatic Control Conference, Dec. 09-14, 2009, 中華民國 |
2009 |
-, 廖志傑, T-S Fuzzy Controller Applied to Lower Limb Rehabilitation Robot Actuated by Pneumatic Muscle Actuators, Proceedings of 2009 CACS International Automatic Control Conference, Dec. 04-06, 2009, 台北 |
2009 |
羅逸玲、Chang-Franw Lee, A Study of the Drug Bag Design, International Association of Societies of Design Research, Oct. 18-22, 2009, Seoul |
2009 |
-, 廖志傑, PC-based Rehabilitation System with Biofeedback, International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Jul. 09-12, 2009, San Diego |
2009 |
申開玄, A Study on the Attractiveness of Heavy Duty Bike, WASET World, Jun. 24, 2009, Paris |
2009 |
張志昇, 高齡者多功能手杖功能之關連性、相容性之設計研究, 中華民國設計學會第 14 屆設計學術研究成果研討會, May. 01, 2009, 台灣 |
2009 |
申開玄, Analyzing Players’ Psychology and Activities in Playing Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games –World of Warcraft As an Example, 2009數位內容暨公 共事務學術研討會, Feb. 26, 2009, 嘉義 |
2008 |
申開玄, 蘋果電腦iMac造型風格的 重現-以多功能數位造相機為例, 2008數位內容暨公 共事務學術研討 會, Dec. 17, 2008, 嘉義 |