Department of Product and Media Design

Name 申開玄
Office Tel No. 25316
Research Expertise 工業設計、媒體設計、產品設計、動畫遊戲設計、美學藝術、時尚設計 (Industrial Design, Media Design, Product Design, Game & Animation Design, Beauty Arts, Fashion Design)
Job Title Associate Professor
Current course PM10101 設計基礎(一)(Design Basis(I))
CT02302 行銷企劃(Marketing Planning)
CTT0201 創意與科技產業研究專題(Topics on Creative and Technology Industries)
Year Paper Title
2023 林志冠, 陳建雄, 申開玄, Exploring the Appeal of Car-Borne Central Control Platforms Based on Driving Experience, Multimodal Technologies and Interaction., 7(11), Oct. 2023
2022 Chih‑Kuan Lin, Kai‑Shuan Shen, Exploring the O2O (online to offline) marketing design of electric vehicles based on consumers' emotions, SN Applied Sciences, none, Jul. 2022
2021 申開玄, Exploring the appeal of online to offline (O2O) social network marketing design, Journal of Business and Economic Management, vol. 9, 4, Apr. 2021
2021 申開玄, Exploring the Appeal of Online to Offline (O2O) Social Network Marketing Design, Journal of Business and Economic Management (JBEM), Feb. 2021
2021 申開玄, Exploring the Appeal of Online to Offline (O2O) Social Network Marketing Design, Journal of Business and Economic Management (JBEM), Feb. 2021
2021 Kai-Shuan Shen, Kuang-Heng Shih, Kuang-Hsun Shih, Measuring the Appeal of Mobility-Augmented Reality Games Based on Innovative Leisure Models, International Journal of Mobile Communications, vol. 19, 2, Jan. 2021
2019 申開玄, Measuring the appeal of mobility-augmented reality games, based on the innovative models of interaction: A case study, SN Applied Sciences, Dec. 2019
2016 申開玄, Measuring the sociocultural appeal of SNS games in Taiwan, Internet Research, vol. 23, 3, Aug. 2016
2016 申開玄, Measuring the Functional and Usable Appeal of Crossover B-Car Interiors, Human Factors and Ergonomics and Service Industries, vol. 25, 1, Aug. 2016
2016 申開玄, The Functional and Usable Appeal of SNS Games, Internet Research, vol. 22, 4, Aug. 2016
林志冠, 申開玄, Exploring the O2O (online to offline) marketing design of electric vehicles based on consumers' emotions, SN Applied Sciences
Year Paper Title
2022 錢怡辰, 申開玄, 林志冠, 探討台灣日式老建築之魅力插畫研究創作, 2022感性學會暨台灣數位媒體設計學會國際研討會, Nov. 11-12, 2022
2021 林志冠, 申開玄, 電能交通載具與家用運動器材之交互運用探討, 第二屆國際設計營暨"感性*交互*設計"國際設計論壇, Jun. 04-06, 2021
2021 -, 申開玄, 車載系統操作介面魅力因子研究, 第28屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨學術研討會 人因工程4.0:虛實整合系統(Cyber Physical Systems, CPS)之挑戰與應用, Mar. 20-22, 2021
2020 申開玄, The study on how influencer marketing can motivate consumer through interaction-based mobile communication, 22ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION, Jul. 19-24, 2020
2020 申開玄, 陳國祥, 劉延濤, Explore the appeal of social media in aesthetics communication among different culture, 22ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION, Jul. 19-24, 2020
2016 Kai-Shuan Shen1, Exploring the appeal of e-commerce managed by fashion media, KEER2016 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON KANSEI ENGINEERING AND EMOTION RESEARCH, Aug. 31-Sep. 02, 2016, University of Leeds
2016 申開玄, Exploring the appeal of e-commerce managed by fashion media, Leeds, Aug. 29-Sep. 03, 2016, Leeds
2015 申開玄, The decision making process in the system of product design and planning based on Kansei Engineering, INASE, Mar. 01, 2015, Vienna
2015 申開玄, The Design evaluation in the process of product design and planning based on Kansei Engineering, WSEAS, Jan. 01, 2015, Tenerife, Canary Islands
2014 申開玄, The Cost-Effectiveness Appeal of Crossover B-Car Interiors to Consumers, KEER, Jun. 01, 2014, Linkoping
2014 申開玄, Evaluating the price setting of fashionable dresses in movies in Taiwan mobile devices, TIIM, May. 01, 2014, Seoul
2014 申開玄, Measuring the appeal of Measuring the appeal of Measuring the appeal of Measuring the appeal of Measuring the appeal of Measuring the appeal of Measuring the appeal of Measuring the appeal of Measuring the appeal of Measuring the appeal of Measuring the, TIIM, May. 01, 2014, Seoul
2009 申開玄, A Study on the Attractiveness of Heavy Duty Bike, WASET World, Jun. 24, 2009, Paris
2009 申開玄, Analyzing Players’ Psychology and Activities in Playing Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games –World of Warcraft As an Example, 2009數位內容暨公 共事務學術研討會, Feb. 26, 2009, 嘉義
2008 申開玄, 蘋果電腦iMac造型風格的 重現-以多功能數位造相機為例, 2008數位內容暨公 共事務學術研討 會, Dec. 17, 2008, 嘉義
2008 申開玄, Brand Cognition and Emotional Web Page Design. International Symposium for Emotion and Sensibility, International Symposium for Emotion and Sensibility, Jun. 28, 2008, Seoul
2008 申開玄, 多媒體輔助產品設計之研 究, 應用藝術與認知設 計研討會, Jan. 17, 2008, 嘉義
Country School Name Department Degree Duration
韓國西京大學 美學藝術研究所 碩士 碩士 2013.09 ~ 2015.02
國立成功大學 工業設計研究所 博士 博士 2006.09 ~ 2012.07
美國加州州立大學洛杉磯分校 新媒體設計與製作 碩士 碩士 2002.09 ~ 2004.06
淡江大學 英國語文學系 學士 學士 1994.09 ~ 1998.06
Experience Category Organization Title Department Job Title Duration
專任 產品與媒體設計學系 副教授 2022.02 ~ 2026.07
專任 產品與媒體設計學系 助理教授 2016.02 ~ 2022.01
佛光大學 助理教授 2016.02 ~ 2017.01
稻江科技暨管理學院 助理教授 2015.06 ~ 2016.01
稻江科技暨管理學院 助理教授 2012.08 ~ 2015.05
稻江科技暨管理學院 講師 2009.08 ~ 2008.07
台灣感性學會 理事 2008.12 ~ 2010.12
稻江科技暨管理學院 講師 2004.08 ~ 2006.08
稻江科技暨管理學院 講師 ~ 2012.07