Department of Product and Media Design


107 second semester of the academic year book award winners announcement

  • 2019-03-05
104 students to be recommended: 10415668趙文波, 10415664鍾采妤
105 students to be recommended: 10515650陸韋慈, 10515652賴榆瀅
106 students to be recommended: 10615652梁睿珊, 10615646莊欣儒
107 students to be recommended: 107152048許依婷, 107152068吳家妤
Master class students plan to recommend: 10625602簡志堯, 107252001瞿君霓
Congratulations to these students, 108 years before asking the students to complete the March 5 books recommended scholarship application form, together with a transcript of the standings there (go to grades clouds building 1F a printing machine to print), payable to the Department of Information Thank you.